Our aim is that every journalist and news organisation shall benefit from an EJC programme or initiative.
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Our aim is that every journalist and news organisation shall benefit from an EJC programme or initiative.
News Impact offers free media innovation events and trainings.The programme is organised by the European Journalism Centre and pow
To enable media organisations across Europe to carry out solutions-focused development journalism, the European Journalism Centre (EJC) is p
The Google News Initiative Student Fellowship has been created to support the next generation of European media professionals.
DataJournalism.com provides data journalists with free resources, materials, online video courses and community forums.
Stars4Media NEWS proposes a pan-European, two-phase, co-funding programme that supports European news media organisations, and enables long-
The Journalism & Science Alliance (JSA) is a programme that will deliver grant funding, training, mentoring and networking to drive the prod
A space to connect, learn and thrive for news-driven innovators and media entrepreneurs in Europe.
The inaugural Climate Journalism Award, launched in 2023. Its primary aim is to acknowledge outstanding climate journalism that adopts an in
A growing number of new kinds of independent news media have emerged in Europe, despite a pandemic, economic instability, disinformation and
The YouTube News Creator Accelerator is a 10-week online training programme to help medium-sized, fast-growing independent news creators bas
At a time when many media organisations face financial constraints, the European Journalism Centre’ s grant programmes aim to encourage jour
To enable media organisations across Europe to carry out solutions-focused development journalism, the European Journalism Centre (EJC) is p
The Freelance Journalism Assembly was born in 2020 to empower and connect the freelance community in Europe. The programme is run by the Eur
The Google News Initiative Student Fellowship has been created to support the next generation of European media professionals.
DataJournalism.com provides data journalists with free resources, materials, online video courses and community forums.
We at the European Journalism Centre know how hard it can be to navigate the ever-evolving pressures of misinformation in the midst of finan
The Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) fund supports cross-border watchdog journalism in the European Union and EU candidate countr