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A freelancer’s guide to reporting on poverty


A freelancer’s guide to reporting on poverty

Reporting on poverty that centres the voices and knowledge of those experiencing it, requires time, commitment and a deep understanding of its causes. Many people still think poverty and economic hardship are the results of personal failure, a lack of hard work, or a lack of individual motivation to change one’s situation. More nuanced and accurate reporting on poverty can counter such dangerous ideas, stereotypes and myths while empowering those living in poverty and offering new hope or insight.

Get your free guide and learn how to:

  • Understand the different methods and indices used to assess and measure poverty
  • Develop story ideas from the community and build relationships with it
  • Use data visualisation to reveal inequalities
  • Avoid stereotypes and stigma through the text and visual language in your reporting
  • Find story ideas focused on solutions and social innovation
  • Find practical resources and tips from freelancers
Fja poverty
A freelancer’s guide to reporting on poverty

Available in

  • Arabic
  • English
  • French (Guide du pigiste pour travailler sur les sujets liés à la pauvreté)
  • Spanish (Guía para periodistas freelance que informan sobre pobreza)

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