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News Impact Summit: Covering human stories
Mar 2016
4 March 2016

News Impact Summit: Covering human stories

2 Y4 Q0980
04 March 2016
Practical Details

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08:45 - 09:30
Opening Remarks
09:30 - 09:45


By Simona Panseri
Panel: Digital Formats for Human Stories
09:45 - 10:45

In the digital age, journalists need to be creative in the way they tell stories, and it is even more challenging to tell stories about the victims of war and conflict. This session will feature best practice digital formats using data, (info)graphics, live-streaming apps, and debate best methods for covering sensitive, complex issues.


By Valerio Bassan, Paul Ronzheimer
Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:15
Fireside Chat: Making Complex Stories Easy to Understand
11:15 – 12:00

What does digital storytelling mean to you? Is it just a nice visual story using data and infographics, or is there more to it? This session features The Washington Post and La Stampa, two leading international and Italian media houses to discuss strategic issues varying from decision making on visual formats to setting up a workflow to ensure smooth running of the production process.


By Kat Downs Mulder, Massimo Russo
Keynote: Data, Graphics & Interactives – Al Jazeera’s Strategies
12:00 – 12:30

Al Jazeera has been spearheading its innovative approach for digital storytelling with graphics and interactives. What are their recent best practices using data and interactives? In this session, you will get to know the secrets behind Al Jazeera’s innovative digital stories from media’s leading senior producer.


By Mohammed Haddad
Lunch Break
12:30 – 13:30
Session 1: Geo Tools for Journalists: from Maps to Earth and VR/360 Storytelling, Immersive Ways of Telling a Story
13:30 – 14:15

[The session will be in Italian with an English interpretation/ Questa sessione si terrà in italiano]

How can you best incorporate the Google Geo tools such as Maps, Earth and Youtube 360° in your reporting? This session will showcase some of the best practices in using the Geo tools, along with tips and tricks on how these tools can enhance your digital stories.


By Elisabetta Tola
Session 2: Building your Reputation in Digital Environment (Crush Course)
13:30 – 14:15

[The session will be in Italian / Questa sessione si terrà in italiano]

Presentarsi, curare la propria immagine, costruire la fiducia. In un mondo in cui chiunque ha imparato a “googlare” i nostri nomi per informarsi su chi siamo e cosa facciamo, creare e consolidare la reputazione online è fondamentale. Ancora di più per i professionisti dell’informazione.

This session is supported by the Online News Association (ONA)


By Barbara Sgarzi
Break / Room Change
14:15 – 14:30
Session 3: A 140-year-old Start-Up: How Corriere della Sera is Using Data and Multimedia Coverage to Break the Future of Journalism
14:30 – 15:15

[The session will be in Italian with an English interpretation/ Questa sessione si terrà in italiano]

On January 27, 2016, Corriere della Sera - Italy’s most widely read newspaper – entered a whole new phase in its online edition. In order to offer its readership a wide range of compelling stories, narrated through engaging, digital native tools, it fully implemented a new set of digital formats – and is currently working on new ones. This session will focus on how a 140 year old outlet is embracing the digital era, and facing its challenges, by constantly experimenting new digital storytelling formats.


By Davide Casati, Andrea Marinelli
Session 4: FOIA - The Right to Access Information
14:30 – 15:15

In Italy, in the absence of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for long time in its history, a law is now being discussed at the political level, which is a crucial and important step for journalists seeking to access information and data for their investigation and reporting. This session will cover access laws and tricks of the trade for obtaining data and public records in Italy.


By Guido Romeo
Break / Room Change
15:15 – 15:30
Expert Session: Engaging Stories – BBC Panorama’s Snapchat Experiment
15:30 – 16:00

Video messaging apps like Snapchat are giving a new way to tell stories and engage with the audience. Late last year for the first time in its history, BBC News has used Snapchat to cover the refugee crisis in a mobile-only digital short documentary format. This session will provide insights and background on how the BBC team did it, and what they learned from the experiment.


By Ravin Sampat
Panel: Behind the Story – Newsgathering & Research
16:00 – 17:00

Sophisticated journalistic analysis, research and newsgathering are crucial for telling complex stories in an accurate manner. How can journalists use social media in their newsgathering and research process? What are the do’s and don’ts for carrying out global online investigation? This session will revisit the past (and present) events such as the Paris Attacks, migration crises, and organised crimes to debate how the experts carried out online research to report complex issues.


By Charlie Beckett, Samuel Laurent
Closing Session
17:00 – 17:30


By Rina Tsubaki, Mattia Peretti


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