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Entrepreneurial skills for freelance journalists


Entrepreneurial skills for freelance journalists

Some of the professional challenges that freelance journalists face can be tackled with strategies that are commonly applied by entrepreneurs. In order to create value and therefore earn more money for their work, freelance journalists need to think more like entrepreneurs: they have to differentiate themselves by their content and the way it is delivered.

There are many cases of freelancers that adopted and adapted the entrepreneurial skills to create their own successful and independent products. Do you want to know how to do it? Do you want to learn some tips and tools you can apply to become an entrepreneur?

In this training, James Breiner, an expert in entrepreneurial journalism, offers tools to differentiate yourself, create a niche, how to manage your budget and how to understand your users.

💡 This recorded training covers:

- Benefits for freelance journalist of applying entrepreneurial skills

- How to differentiate yourself and fill a content niche

- Basics of budgeting and cash flow

- Strong examples of freelancers who have built up a business

- How to understand who your most important users are by using analytics.

🖥️. Get more information here 👈

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