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Announcing the Climate Journalism Award 2024 and News Impact Summit


Announcing the Climate Journalism Award 2024 and News Impact Summit

Picture of Claudia Fasano
Claudia Fasano — Marketing and Communications Manager
May 03, 2024

The Climate Journalism Award is gearing up for its anticipated second edition, reaffirming its commitment to innovative and impactful climate journalism and reporting. The winners will be announced at the 2024 News Impact Summit in Copenhagen. The award and summit are once again generously supported by the Google News Initiative (GNI).

Announcing this on World Press Freedom Day is fitting. In our vision, the essence of journalism is to provide people with reliable, trustworthy and verified information so they can make the best possible decisions about their lives, communities, governments, and societies. Journalism is key in defending freedom of expression, improving how governments and societies function, and strengthening democracy. Our partnership with GNI shows our commitment to climate journalism and reporting and our dedication to fighting misinformation.

-Lars Boering, Director European Journalism Centre
News Impact Summit 2023 in Lisbon

The Award, worth 12.000, will recognise work that elevates the importance of climate stories and showcases innovative thinking on climate reporting. The application process for the Award will open soon.

The Award will feature five categories:

  • Data-driven visualisation
  • Fighting climate misinformation
  • Pinpoint award for investigations
  • Storytelling & Solutions
  • Emerging Talent

The News Impact Summit in Copenhagen

The News Impact Summit, now planned for 10 October 2024 in Copenhagen in partnership with the Google News Initiative, welcomes anyone interested in climate journalism and will focus on misinformation in the climate space. 

The Summit’s programme will include workshops, inspiring talks, and networking, culminating in the presentation of the 2024 Climate Journalism Award for Environmental Journalism. 

About the News Impact Summits

Since 2014, the EJC has organised 36 News Impact Summits in partnership with Google News Initiative, inspiring journalist communities and media organisations in over 20 countries. These summits have featured over 500 speakers across Europe and the Middle East.

Climate Journalism Award 2023

Denmark's capital was purposefully chosen this year, as it aims to become the world's first carbon-neutral capital by 2025 as part of the CPH 2025 Climate Plan. This plan includes initiatives focused on energy, mobility, and city administration, which improve well-being while preparing for future climate challenges.

Want to know more? 

More information, including an award application link and a News Impact Summit registration link, will follow soon.


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