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18 Sept 2021, 23:59 (CEST)

For whom

Cross-border investigative journalism projects.


€1.1 million distributed through two grant schemes.



Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) fund 2021


Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) fund 2021

applications closed

The Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) fund supports cross-border watchdog journalism in the European Union and EU candidate countries.

A total of €1.1 million are available as direct grants under two Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) grant schemes, the Investigation Support Scheme and the Freelancer Support Scheme. Approximately €835,000 will be distributed through the Investigation Support Scheme and €265,000 through the Freelancer Support Scheme.

In 2021, the European Journalism Centre will manage the brand new Freelancer Support Scheme. It is implemented for the first time under IJ4EU to support freelance investigative journalists across Europe and to address the specific challenges they encounter. The scheme will provide grants of up to €20,000 to cross-border investigative teams made up entirely of freelance journalists. It will also provide an additional element of support to grantees in the forms of mentoring, training and networking opportunities. The scheme will have only one call in 2021 and the deadline for applications is July 14 at 23:59 CEST. See full information and FAQs.

The Investigation Support Scheme is managed by the International Press Institute (IPI) and is open to teams of any configuration, including hybrid teams of staff journalists and freelancers, as long as they include at least one newsroom element. It will provide grants of between €5,000 and €50,000. The deadline for applications is July 14 at 23:59 CEST. A second call under this scheme is expected to open in August. See full information and frequently asked questions.

General Eligibility for IJ4EU

The geographical eligibility criteria are the same for both schemes. Applications must be submitted by teams with members based in at least two EU member states or at least one EU member state and the UK. IJ4EU also welcomes applications from journalists based in third countries (including official EU candidate countries) , as long as they team up with colleagues in at least two EU member states (or one EU country and the UK). Projects must focus on topics of cross-border relevance and need to be published by media outlets in at least two EU countries (or one EU country and the UK). Teams working in all types of media, including print, broadcast, online media, documentary filmmaking and multi-platform story-telling are welcome to apply. IJ4EU grants may be used to cover nearly any type of cost necessary for the production of journalistic content.

The IJ4EU Fund continues its commitment to support cross-border investigative reporting at a crucial and challenging time for journalism and the media as investigative journalism remains as important as ever during the ongoing public health situation.

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