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31 Mar 2024, 23:59 (CEST)

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Freelance journalists





IJ4EU Freelancer Support Scheme 2024


IJ4EU Freelancer Support Scheme 2024

opening soon

New call for watchdog reporters in Europe. Grants of up to €20,000 are available for investigative journalists seeking to collaborate across borders

IJ4EU’s Freelancer Support Scheme provides grants to cross-border teams of journalists made up predominantly of freelancers who can benefit from an extra layer of tailored support. The scheme will provide around €500,000 in grants in 2024/25, along with training, mentoring and networking opportunities.

The scheme is designed to support journalists operating outside of newsroom structures who may be underserved by other journalism support schemes and who are willing and able to collaborate with others to launch investigations of importance to audiences at a local, national, regional or European level.

Investigations developed for all formats — including print, broadcast, online media, documentary filmmaking and multi-platform storytelling — are eligible to receive support.

Grantees have 6 months to complete their projects. During these 6 months, they also benefit from non-financial support in addition to grant funding.

The Freelancer Support Scheme is the second IJ4EU grant running in parallel with the Investigation Support Scheme. This scheme offers grants of up to €50,000 to investigative teams of any kind, including newsrooms, investigative not-for-profits, and freelancers. The scheme is managed by IPI and will allocate €1.5 million in 2024-2025 to projects.

Co-funded by

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