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Data-driven Approach to Counter Hate Speech (DACHS)


Data-driven Approach to Counter Hate Speech (DACHS)

When hate speech online threatens individual journalists or news outlets, it not only takes a high personal toll on the victims, but also thwarts legitimate conversation in social media and discussion forums. However, fighting it one by one amounts to tilting at windmills. In order to achieve scale, a Data-driven Approach to Countering Hate Speech (DACHS) is the way to go.

Together with information management company DataScouting, the European Journalism Centre developed an open source platform based on Machine Learning that helps journalists identify and fend off threats efficiently in real time, and that renders concerted misinformation or hate campaigns transparent.

First and foremost, the platform will be a practical tool for journalists and news organisations to protect a healthy public discourse. At the same time, it will also provide systematic and actionable insights into the dynamics of toxic online conversations, and enhance the accountability of social platform providers.

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