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News Impact Summit: Audio & voice
Oct 2020
20 October 2020

News Impact Summit: Audio & voice

Newinpact 9416 1
20 October 2020
22 October 2020

on our YouTube channel



Practical Details

Audio has changed the way we consume the news. Podcast consumption has exploded and emerging audio tools for transcription and voice automation make news production more efficient.

Why and when do readers prefer audio over text? What strategies can newsrooms adopt to develop their audio products? What new storytelling skills are required to produce quality audio for journalism? At this Summit, we will explore new technological developments around audio & voice. This doesn’t just mean podcasts, but also text-to-speech, audio for AI assistants, and automated transcription. We will break down the challenges that accompany the rise of audio, such as the role of platforms in the podcast world, monetisation of audio products, and building newsroom strategies to integrate voice in the production workflow.

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Welcome remarks
9:30 - 9:40


By David Dieudonné, Vera Penêda
The rebirth of audio and the opportunities for publishers
9:40 - 10:00

News habits changed, podcast consumption exploded, and the use of AI assistants has increased significantly. So why go into digital audio and why now? Nic will draw on his latest report on the subject for the Reuters Institute of Journalism to share about the challenges and opportunities in all things audio. From audiograms to voice and podcasts, Nic will talk about the rise of podcasts and the role of news, short-form and atomised audio, monetisation and the role of platforms in the production and distribution of digital audio.


By Nic Newman
Listen to your members and they will listen to you
10:00 - 10:30

When members asked Zetland to go into podcasting or for a solution to listen to its stories (rather than reading them) the Danish start-up listened to their request. The slow-news site currently provides all its stories with a human-read audio option and this has meant an increase in retention and loyalty. Lea will explain how Zetland adapted its operation and why around 75% of all stories are now listened to rather than consumed via text.


By Lea Korsgaard
Grab a coffee & move your legs!
10:30 - 10:45
Audio & Voice: The news industry's new frontier
10:45 - 11:15

Emily will discuss what this new era of audio and voice technology means for the news & information industry, and specifically how Reuters is evolving to meet the needs of this fast-changing space with new products and services that are designed specifically for the voice & audio community.


By Emily Quinn
Listen, what's that?

Ole will explain how Der Spiegel is experimenting with Audio & Voice and reveal what has worked and what hasn't in the creation of new audio products.


By Ole Reissmann
Online Lab Sessions in English, French and German
11:45 - 12:30

1. Planning your podcast (in English)

In this session, we will delve into the world of podcasting formats, techniques, and strategies. From determining what format works best for you, to developing a long term reporting plan, Jill and Julia will show you how to build your podcasting strategy - without burning out.

2. Comment fabriquer son podcast?/ How to create your podcast for the French-speaking audiences? (in French)

Les podcats “pure players” connaissent un regain de popularité auprès du public français. Comment expliquer ce succès ? Mais surtout, quelles nouvelles formes de narration peuvent être adoptées pour exploiter ce marché ? Cette session débutera par une brève présentation des potentielles perspectives économiques pour les podcats “pure players” en France. A partir de l’expérience de “Transmission”, un laboratoire radio spécialisé en narration audio, et de l’expérience de "Post-Scriptum", un podcast de lettres sonores, Charlie vous aidera à créer votre propre podcast à destination du public francophone.

The popularity of “web-native" podcasts among French audiences is on the rise. How can we explain this success? And more importantly, what new narratives can be adopted to tap into this market? This presentation will start with a brief introduction to the potential and economic outlook for native podcasts in France. Based on the experience of Transmission, a radio laboratory for audio storytelling, and "Post-Scriptum", a podcast of audio letters, Charlie will help you create your own podcast for the French-speaking audience.

3. TTS and beyond - die Audiowelt der ZEIT/ TTS and beyond - the audio world of ZEIT (in German)

Was sind die Vorteile von Audio gegenüber Text oder Video? Wie können wir diese Vorteile am Besten ausnutzen?Seit Anfang des Sommers hat sich die Audiowelt bei ZEIT ONLINE sehr verändert. Wir hatten bereits erfolgreiche Podcasts und von professionellen Sprechern vorgelesenen Artikeln aus der gedruckten ZEIT. Jetzt bieten wir zu jeder Meldung auch ein Audio an, das von unserer eigenen Text-to-Speech Infrastruktur automatisch - mithilfe von Google Wavenet - erstellt wird. In diesem Workshop wird die Entwicklungsredakteurin Rose Tremlett einen Überblick über TTS-Innovationen bei ZEIT ONLINE geben. Außerdem wird sie über die Hürden sprechen, die Sie nehmen müssen, wenn Sie ebenfalls TTS Audio in journalistische Produkte implementieren wollen.

The audio world at ZEIT ONLINE has changed a lot since the beginning of summer. The outlet has had successful podcasts and articles read out by professional speakers from the printed ZEIT. Now they also offer an audio clip for every message, which is automatically created by their own text-to-speech infrastructure - with the help of Google Wavenet. In this workshop, development editor Rose Tremlett will give an overview of TTS innovations at ZEIT ONLINE. She will also talk about the hurdles you have to overcome if you want to implement TTS Audio in journalistic products as well.


By Jill Beytin, Julia Joubert
Welcome remarks
9:30 - 9:40
Do it yourself: how smaller countries can produce their own voice assistants
9:40 - 10:00

Most of the tech and content around voice technology in journalism has been produced in English, as it’s the world’s most used language. This makes it more difficult for small publishers to make their content available on the platforms that don’t officially recognise their languages. This has not stopped Finnish broadcaster Yle from creating new types of content for automation and personalisation. Ville will show us how he is collecting Finnish speech to aid and speed up the creation of a Finnish speaking AI that can help produce audio content that is more immersive and engaging for non-English speaking audiences.


By Ville Kinnunen
Audio clips & algorithms: how Swedish Radio is reshaping its digital news strategy
10:00 - 10:30

News departments at Swedish Radio (SR) are implementing a digital audio strategy focused on news clips. To better serve targeted audiences and fulfill its mission, the public broadcaster is developing an editorial algorithm, which gives priority to stories with high public service value. Olle and Tomas will explain how, in the last year, audio clip consumption has more than doubled in the SR app and what are the next steps to provide engaging content across platforms for their audience whether it is on mobile, voice speakers or in the car.


By Olle Zachrison, Tomas Granryd
Grab a coffee & move your legs
10:30 - 10:45
All Ears: a book club with a difference
10:45 - 11:15

Committed to sharing the perspectives of women and non-binary people of colour, gal-dem magazine not only launched a successful membership during the pandemic this Summer but also created an audiobook club in partnership with Jacaranda and Audible, giving guests the opportunity to connect with authors and journalists. Audio is often touted as the most intimate of mediums - but how does this translate in the new realities we live under Covid-19? Can digital communities come together and create inclusive spaces, even online?


By Mariel Richards
The Coronavirus Update: why audio is a powerful tool against misinformation

From idea to execution, it took Germany’s public broadcaster NDR three days to put together the podcast “Das Coronavirus Update” (The Coronavirus Update). After just two daily episodes in late February, featuring interviews with leading virologist Pr. Dr. Christian Dorsten, the podcast shot to No. 1 in Germany, where it has remained ever since. Each episode ranges from debunking myths around the Coronavirus to answering questions from the audience. Korinna will explain the unexpected success of a podcast with complex content, how it was made, what are the key learnings, and why scientific literacy is a powerful tool against 'fake news'.


By Korinna Hennig
Online Lab Sessions in English, French and German
11:45 - 12:30

1. Visualising audio (in English)

Print and radio reporters do great interviews every day. What if you could turn those interviews into videos and illustrated images for your social platforms and website? In this workshop, Corinne will introduce us to visual formats we can produce using inexpensive desktop tools and smartphone apps. Don’t waste your audio, come, and learn the best ways to turn it into creative visuals that will boost the reach and impact of your work.

3. Wozu ein Podcastlabel gründen?/Founding An Audio Company (in German)

Als Susanne und Katrin hauseins gründeten, hatten sie mehr Leidenschaft als Ahnung, aber Schritt für Schritt haben sie gelernt, was wichtig ist, wenn man ein Medienunternehmen gründet und leitet. Wie kommen unsere Podcasts zum Publikum? Wie verdient man damit Geld? Wie findet man heraus, welche Marktlücke man besetzen will und kann?

When Susanne and Katrin founded hauseins they had more passion than clue. But then, step by step, they've found out what's important for running an audio company – and what's not. How to build an audience? How to earn money? How to find out what niche is the best for you?


By Corinne Podger, Susanne Klingner
Welcome remarks
14:00 - 14:10
The power of investigative journalism told through audio storytelling
14:10 - 14:30

Pulitzer Award winner Amy Brittain will share how The Washington Post launched its first-ever investigative podcast, "Canary: The Washington Post Investigates," a seven-part audio series created by a team of over 20 journalists in the newsroom.


By Amy Brittain
How Radio Ambulante made serving its community a good business

Ten years ago, Radio Ambulante was just an idea. Currently, it is the only Spanish-language podcast distributed by NPR, reaching millions of listeners across the world with its unique brand of Spanish-language audio storytelling. How did Radio Ambulante turn its award-winning journalism into a community of listeners and a sustainable business? Carolina will tell the remarkable story of this project from its humble beginnings, selling cupcakes to raise money to buy microphones, to its present-day success at the forefront of media innovation.


By Carolina Guerrero
Grab a coffee & move your legs!
15:00 - 15:15
Audio: An alternative for politicised media in Poland

The increasing politicisation of the Polish State Radio Service has lead many journalists to go independent and to crowdfund their own projects. COVID-19 has also contributed to the rapid expansion of audio in the Polish media. Barbara will share with us why audio has become so popular in Poland due to these circumstances.


By Barbara Erling
How podcasts can help your membership or subscription strategy

Three years ago, David led a team at into podcasting when the term was unknown in Slovakia. More than 20% of the population is currently listening to podcasts in the country. The daily news podcast started by the team at kickstarted a podcast revolution and has a core audience of roughly 30-thousand daily listeners. David will share lessons learned and explain how podcasts can drive memberships, subscriptions, and overall audience loyalty.


By Dávid Tvrdoň
Online Lab Sessions in English, French and German
16:15 - 17:15

1. From recording to publishing: the app for podcasting

The Hindenburg DAW is an audio editor designed for audio storytellers. If you have never seen it before, join Nick’s workshop to get an introduction to the thought process behind it and the features that make it so special for audio journalists. If you already are a Hindenburg user, then you are welcome to show your work and ask questions during the Q&A.

2. Pourquoi miser sur le podcast lorsque l’on est un journal de presse écrite?/ Why do newspapers bet on podcasts? (in French)

En théorie: la voix contre la plume, deux approches différentes de l’actualité. De plus en plus de journaux se lancent dans l’aventure du podcast, dans le sillage de The Daily du New York Times. En France, le journal Les Echos a lancé il y a près d’un an et demi « LaStory », un podcast quotidien l‘actualité, avec l’objectif d’en faire une référence en France. Pierrick Fay, journalist web aux Echos, nous expliquera les coulisses de la création d’un podcast par un quotidien d’actualité.

Audio and writing are often seen as separate worlds and different approaches when it comes to covering news. But more and more newspapers are launching podcasts, in the wake of “The Daily” by The New York Times.
Pierrick Fay, a web journalist with Les Echos, will share some of the secrets behind the creation of "LaStory", the news podcast launched by Les Echos about a year and a half ago, with the goal of becoming a reference in France.

3. "Eine Runde Berlin“ – Stadtpodcast statt Studio/ A local news podcast to take you around town (in German)

Die meisten Podcasts werden im Studio aufgenommen. Aber ist es nicht spannender, sich an einen Ort zu begeben, der Überraschungen zulässt? Genau darin besteht die Grundidee von „Eine Runde Berlin“. Ann-Kathrin Hipp vom „Tagesspiegel Checkpoint“ interviewt Nachbarn und Promis in der Berliner Ringbahn, dem städtischen Mikrokosmos auf Schienen. Im Workshop soll es darum gehen, eigene Podcastkonzepte für eine lokale Zuhörerschaft zu entwickeln und über die gängigen Aufnahmeorte hinauszudenken. Er eignet sich insbesondere für JournalistInnen, die in einem nicht-audioaffinen Umfeld arbeiten und erstmals ein Podcast-Format starten wollen.

The Tagesspiegel “Eine Runde Berlin” (Around Berlin) is a podcast made outside the studio, it is done on the streets, following Berliners as they go about life in the city. Anna-Kathrin jumps on the Berlin Ringbahn to interview neighbours and celebrities against the backdrop and sounds that every Berliner recognises. Anna will share this trip with us too, showing us how to develop our own podcast concept for a local audience. It is particularly suitable for journalists who work in a non-audio-related environment and want to start a podcast format for the first time.


By Nick Dunkerley, Pierrick Fay
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