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Freelance Pitching Clinics
Mar 2021
26 March 2021

Freelance Pitching Clinics

MG 8994 1
26 March 2021
Practical Details

We're bringing the famous Freelance Sessions’ pitching clinics to the Assembly for the first time.

In the frame of the online conference Freelance journalism empowerment conference”, the Freelance Journalism Assembly will offer free individual and group pitching clinics for freelance journalists. Do you want to join?

Group pitching clinics

This clinic will be an intimate group of 15 people who want to learn the secrets behind successful pitches, take their pitching game to the next level and get direct feedback on a pitch they have been trying to get commissioned.

Bring a brief outline of one of your finest pitching ideas you're hoping to get a paid commission for and we will go through everyone's ideas in the clinic, so this absolutely needs to be a safe place of trust and support.

The format of the session will be as follows:

:light_bulb: A mini refresher on creating a killer pitch

:speaking_head_in_silhouette:️ A run-through of 15 people's pitches (all attendees will be present - so you can hear pointers on other people’s pitches too), suggestions on where it could be placed and we’ll go through the process of making your pitch as 'commissionable' as possible

:page_facing_up: Everyone will receive a take away of relevant commissioning editor contacts for their pitches and tips on how to improve their pitches moving forward from the session. This will be tailored and different depending on which group clinic you attend.

:eyes: Note: Since the spots are limited, you will be able to attend only one of the sessions.

Individual pitching clinics

Not for the faint-hearted! These will be a power half an hour one-to-one sessions concentrating on just your pitches you’ve been hoping to get commissioned.

We recommend you bring two-three of your best ideas you're hoping to get a paid commission for.

The format of the session will be as follows:

:speaking_head_in_silhouette:️ A run-through of 2-3 of your pitches - where we will provide feedback on where they could be placed and go through the process of making them as 'commissionable' as possible

:page_facing_up: Each person who attends the one-to-one clinics will receive a personalised mini take away of relevant commissioning editor contacts for your ideas and pointers on how to richen your pitches moving forward.

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