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Akvarium Klub, Budapest, Erzsébet tér 12, 1051 Hungary
Across Europe, community-driven news organisations with collaborative approaches at their core are emerging and evolving. They are clear on who they are serving, and are redefining what it means to engage people in the process of journalism.
The mission of the Accelerator is to support these news organisations to become resilient: being able to not only sustain their current work and fulfil a demand or need for content from their communities, but also make a profit, grow over time, and adapt quickly to changes and exploit new market opportunities.
If we consider resilience as a recipe, what ingredients are needed, both internally within a news organisation and externally from communities, and at what stage, and in what order, should they be added? To answer that question, we’re hosting Engagement Explained Live: Building resilience, a participatory one-day event to help news organisations on the journey of creating more positive, impactful and financially sustainable relationships with the communities they serve.
Taking place in Budapest, Hungary, the free event brings together 50 forward-thinking news organisations from across Europe, and your organisation could be one of them.
The day will consist of half-day masterclasses led by expert trainers, as well as lightning talks and dedicated networking opportunities, held in an open and inclusive environment.
Topics that will be the focus on the day include:
- No product manager? No problem: A 101 guide to product thinking for community-driven news organisations
- Funding journalism through reader revenues: A checklist for sustainability
- What does it take to build and lead resilient teams?
- Be the change you want to see: Creating an internal culture of community, participation and inclusion in your organisation
- Pathways for participation: How to turn your community members into the best advocates for your work
We’re also offering 15 travel allowances to event participants to help with the cost of travel and accommodation. More details can be found in our FAQs and in the registration form.
The deadline to register has now passed. Participants have been informed of their masterclass and whether they have been successful with a travel allowance. Email if you have any questions.
There will be five three-hour masterclasses running in parallel during Engagement Explained Live: Building resilience. Participants are asked to specify the session that they are most interested to attend when completing the registration form.
The best products try to meet people’s needs and solve their problems. So how do we absorb this way of thinking into community-driven journalism? Learn how to incorporate product thinking and lean methodologies into your organisation’s routines and your own daily work to create journalism that serves users’ needs and brings more value back into your organisation.
This masterclass is for you if you:
Asking your community to support your journalism isn’t only about getting their credit card details. Whether you’re developing crowdfunding, membership or subscription, learn how to create a clear value proposition, market your product, drive loyalty and retain customers.
This masterclass is for you if you:
News organisations that collaborate with their communities require different skillsets, motivations and internal structures than traditional news organisations. Learn how to structure, grow and lead your team to create impactful and resilient relationships both internally and with your community.
This masterclass is for you if you:
NB: This masterclass is not focusing on the skills required to be a good leader. It is about good leadership as a result of the actions a team leader can take in regards to team structure and skills.
A healthy internal culture is important for any news organisation - not least those that want to reflect internal practices with how they work within communities. Learn effective approaches that you can adopt and share so that everyone in your organisation can contribute to decision-making, business development and other processes in an open, adaptive and collaborative environment.
This masterclass is for you if you:
People support an organisation for a variety of reasons and, in turn, supporters have different expectations and needs in regards to what they get in return for their involvement or financial investment. Learn simple but powerful approaches to encourage community members to engage in, and advocate for, your organisation’s work in more meaningful ways.
This masterclass is for you if you:
This event has been designed to benefit news organisations that put community engagement (geographical or topical) at the centre of their ownership, reporting, distribution, impact and revenue. As such, we expect participating organisations to:
- Demonstrate a community-driven approach to journalism
- Send two colleagues in order to make the most of, and participate in more than one of, the masterclasses
- Undertake a short pre-event activity (no more than one hour) which will help participants get the most value during the event
- News organisations from anywhere in the world can register to attend, however, we will give priority to organisations from Europe as necessary
Coffee and breakfast will be included
Kathryn Geels, Programme director, European Journalism Centre
Madalina Ciobanu, project manager, European Journalism Centre
Lika Antadze (Chai Khana, Georgia) - Working with and for a geographically diverse community
How do you build a community of journalists and readers in a region where everyone speaks a different language? Lika, executive director of Chai Khana, will lay out the challenges of telling stories for women and minority groups across the South Caucasus and how she and her team of staff and contributors are overcoming the barriers.
Lois Kapila (Dublin Inquirer, Ireland) - Running a citizens' agenda for Dublin's local elections
Earlier this year, Dublin Inquirer focused its local elections coverage around a citizens' agenda, a way for news organisations to ensure that voters get the information they need from campaigning politicians. Managing editor Lois will explain how the small team divided their time, what role its readers played, what it would have done differently – and whether it was worth the work.
Sune Gudmundsson (Koncentrat, Denmark) - What Koncentrat learnt from trying to scale responsibly
Six months ago, Koncentrat partnered with one of Denmark’s largest publishers, outsourcing marketing and sales to allow journalists and editors to focus on content and engagement. Co-founder Sune will talk about what they have learnt so far and what other community-driven organisations can take from their experience.
Stretch your legs, check your emails etc
Five masterclasses running in parallel (one person from each organisation per session)
- No product manager? No problem: A 101 guide to product thinking for community-driven news organisations - Rishad Patel, co-founder of Splice Media
- Funding journalism through reader revenues: A checklist for sustainability - Clare Cook, co-founder of Media Innovation Studio
- What does it take to build and lead resilient teams? - Przemek Gawroński, partner and facilitator at Scherer Leadership Center
- Be the change you want to see: Creating an internal culture of community, participation and inclusion in your organisation - Zuzanna Ziomecka, journalist, coach and leadership trainer
- Pathways for participation: How to turn your community members into the best advocates for your work - Zahra Davidson, co-founder and director, Enrol Yourself
Food and refreshments will be provided
Participants return to the masterclass they began before lunch
Colleagues come together to share what they learnt from their masterclasses
Organisations come together to share learnings from the day
Drinks and snacks will be provided