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AI training for media executives and leaders
May 2024
30 May 2024

AI training for media executives and leaders

more info
Data Journalism x AI training 1
30 May 2024
Online via zoom

15:00 CET

Practical Details

This is a Journalism Innovation Network exclusive event. Join the network to join the event. 
You will find the unique registration link in the Network Slack channel.

This AI training for media executives and leaders offers a comprehensive look at AI's potential in the industry. Participants will learn key AI concepts, explore strategic drivers across three levers - efficiency, augmentation, and automation - and address AI risks and mitigation.

The training will be highly interactive, with discussion starting from mapping out current workflows, to then identify AI integration opportunities and explore sandboxing, to empower participants to effectively and responsibly leverage AI within their organisations.

Who it’s for?

This training is tailored for organisational leaders within the media industry, including directors of innovation, chief editors, department heads, digital strategy managers, and senior executives responsible for driving technological advancements. It is ideal for those looking to strategically integrate AI into their workflows to enhance efficiency, augment capabilities, and automate processes. No prior experience with AI is required.

Main Outcomes:

  • Understand key concepts of AI: draw the line between AI and Generative AI, and familiarise with AI foundations such as training, prompt engineering, fine-tuning, and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).
  • Identify strategic AI drivers - efficiency, augmentation, and automation - and learn how they can be applied to media workflows across news discovery, production, and distribution.
  • Engage in interactive media workflow mapping and identify opportunities for AI integration and enhancement.
  • Explore the drivers for build, buy, or build upon AI decisions, and gain insights into effective AI sandboxing.
  • Learn to identify potential AI risks and develop strategies for risk mitigation.

This training is led by

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