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Pitching: expanding to specialised media


Pitching: expanding to specialised media

Editors working for the mainstream media receive tons of pitches on a daily basis. This is one of the reasons why many freelancers don’t hear back from editors or receive feedback on their pitches. But there are also new media emerging, that are eager for pitches and operating outside of the major publication’s network. How can freelance journalists prepare an email pitch that stands out? How can they identify new publications beyond the usual suspects to expand their network of commissioning editors and increase the possibility of being published? What is the right approach when pitching to independent and specialised media?

During this session, Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff, head of editorial at gal-dem, provides strategies and tips on how to find new commissioning opportunities among independent and specialised media outlets. She also helps you build a pitch that is set to get the attention of editors from niche media.

This recorded training covers:

  • Mapping independent & specialised news media publications
  • How to extend your network of commissioning editors
  • Showcase the gal-dem experience as a news media committed to telling the stories of women and non-binary people of colour
  • Examples of good and bad pitches.

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