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Does negotiating a fee give you heart palpitations? Do you want to raise your rates but don't know how to? Do you have overdue invoices but no idea how to enforce a late payment fee? The most stressful part of being a freelancer is money. Knowing how much cash to put aside for tax, dealing with overdue invoices and generally keeping on top of your daily finances is an administrative – and emotional – nightmare.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this talk, seasoned freelancer Anna Codrea-Rado talks about the common mistakes freelancers make with money. The session tackles some of the most stressful parts of managing your money and talk about how to overcome them in order to make more of it. From handling cash flow and dealing with overdue invoices to addressing the emotional side of money, Anna helps freelancers overcome their biggest money concerns.
💡 This recorded training covers: