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New toolbox for freelance journalists reporting on global challenges


New toolbox for freelance journalists reporting on global challenges

Picture of Ana Maria Salinas
Ana Maria Salinas — Project Manager
February 16, 2021

A new freelancers’ guide for reporting on vaccines is the first in a series of resources by the Freelance Journalism Assembly.

Today, more than ever, independent, innovative, fair and open reporting is crucial to keep societies informed on the world’s most urgent challenges. Freelance journalists play a vital role in this process and make a difference through their journalism work.

In the framework of the Freelance Journalism Assembly, the European Journalism Centre (EJC), with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is excited to launch a brand new series of resources, cheat-sheets, guides and handbooks designed to support freelance reporting around global challenges and development issues.

Vaccines, gender equality, migrations, sustainable development goals, human rights and climate action are some of the topics covered by these resources created by and for freelancers.

“A freelancers’ guide for reporting on vaccines” is the first in this series where freelance journalists can find tips, useful links and sources, expert databases, and tools to step up their stories about the ongoing vaccination campaigns and public debate.

Stay tuned! The complete programme of activities and opportunities of the Assembly 2021 will be revealed soon. Meanwhile, don’t miss out on the first guide on vaccine reporting.

A freelancers’ guide for reporting on vaccines

This guide covers the key elements that have to be taken into account when producing stories about vaccine development. In this field of expertise, the choice of words and tone, the angle and the selection of sources, and the contextualisation of data are all crucial — not just journalistically, but from a public health perspective to ensure accurate information reaches the audience.

Why download this guide?

  • Words and stories matter
  • Understand your audience
  • Story development ideas
  • Understand the emotive side of vaccines
  • Dealing with anti-vaccination views
  • Responsible sourcing of images
  • Talk to a range of sources
  • Expert databases and sourcebook
  • Report on vaccine trial results
  • Understand the different stages of the development process
  • Report on side effects
  • Understand the context of data
  • Understand trial sizes
  • Consult experts

During the first phase of the Assembly in 2020, more than 1700 freelance journalists from 47 different countries joined. Together with this community, we created a growing movement to empower the freelance community in Europe.

Are you a freelance journalist based in Europe and you haven’t joined the Assembly? Go to our website and become a member to be the first one in receiving the latest news and opportunities in 2021.


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