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The ways in which news is consumed are rapidly changing, both due to technological evolution and generational differences.
The European Journalism Centre seeks to enhance its engagement with young and aspiring journalists by identifying and implementing effective strategies to address their needs and preferences.
In partnership with the School of Journalism in Utrecht six students are carrying out a project within their academic journey. They are researching new ways to support and engage with young journalists, which will help create improved opportunities, resources, and programmes.
The students will research questions, such as: What kind of support and programmes do young journalists need? How do they want to be informed about opportunities? Where do they look for information? With what solutions can EJC innovate to reach young people?
By addressing these questions, the European Journalism Centre wants to develop products and services to better support the next generation of journalists, providing them with access to resources, information, and opportunities necessary for their professional growth.
To get a better insight into what the needs of young journalists are, the students created a survey.
If you are a young journalist between 20-27 years old and you would like to help the students with their research, please fill out their survey.