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Fireside Chat - Chapter 2: 'AI in Journalism'


Fireside Chat - Chapter 2: 'AI in Journalism'

Picture of Kiril Stoimenov
Kiril Stoimenov — Marketing and Communications Manager
July 18, 2023

It was an enlightening session featuring our special guest, Laurens Vreekamp, expert in the field of AI:

Laurens Vreekamp is a journalist, design thinker, and founder of the Future Journalism Today Academy. In 2022, he authored "The Art of AI," a practical book for media makers and creatives, featuring interviews with AI pioneers and over 70 creative production applications. He has worked with RTL Nieuws,, Dentsu, Aegis, and more, and previously served as a Teaching Fellow at Google's News Lab. Laurens holds an honours degree as a European Media Master of Arts in Interactive Media from the University of Portsmouth (2003)

Last Friday, the European Journalism Centre office in Maastricht was buzzing with excitement as we hosted a fantastic Fireside Chat focused on 'AI in journalism'. The Fireside Chat serves as a forum for lively discussions, exchange of ideas, and inspiration to think critically regarding the future of journalism.

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The focus is at an envieable level

“This year we started hosting Fireside Chats at our offices in Maastricht as part of a series of small initiatives that are meant to nurture a culture of innovation at the EJC. It is insightful and usually fun to welcome and interact with facilitators and experts who visit us at the office to spark our curiosity and teach us something new.

These sessions bring us together as a team to learn about trends in media or topics that are transversal to the work of all the teams. The EJC also has a hybrid working policy so these chats would make our time at the office even more fruitful while contributing to a culture where idea-sharing is valued. The goal is that team members feel inspired and at ease to come forward and suggest innovative ideas.”

-- Vera Penêda, Director Programmes & impact

So let's take a moment to recap the highlights:

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Laurens Vreekamp talking about generated images and the effect they can have

During this creative odyssey, we delved deep into the fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and journalism. Laurens shared his deep knowledge and insights, illuminating the current progress, challenges, and opportunities that AI delivers in the current world of media.

Our team was engaged and enthusiastic throughout the whole session, as we explored how AI can improve various elements of journalism, including data analysis, news automation, audience engagement, and more. We discussed the potential ethical concerns that arise when implementing AI technologies in newsrooms and the significance of maintaining journalistic integrity and quality among technological advancements.

Moreover, we had the privilege of delving into the distinctions between AI, algorithms, and machine learning through practical examples, deepening our understanding of these complex concepts.

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EJC team on a mission

This conversation provided a valuable opportunity for our team to broaden perspectives and embrace innovation as we steer the ever-evolving landscape of media.

We sincerely thank  Laurens Vreekamp for gracing us with his expertise and sharing his wisdom. His passion for AI in journalism was contagious, leaving us energised and motivated to analyse further potential within our work.

A special shout-out goes to EJC team members who actively participated in this Fire Chat, as their contributions and engagement made this event a great success.


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