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17 Jul 2023, 17:00 (CEST)

For whom

Climate journalists





Climate Journalism Award


Climate Journalism Award

opening soon

The Award will promote and recognise exceptional climate journalism that adopts an innovative or original story telling approach, encouraging journalists to prioritise reporting on climate-related issues.

With the Climate Journalism Award we will acknowledge outstanding climate journalism that adopts an innovative or original storytelling approach. Stories can be submitted in five categories and winners will each receive a cash prize of €2,000. The Award is managed by the European Journalism Centre, in partnership with Google News Initiative.

The submission process starts on 14 June 2023, and ends on 17 July 2023 at 17:00 CEST.

Print, online, video, and multi-platform storytelling formats are eligible to win an award and these may have been published behind a paywall. You can enter more than one submission but with a maximum of two categories per submission.

Winners will be announced at News Impact Summit event on 12 October 2023 and you will be expected to travel to Lisbon for the ceremony with our support.

The Climate Journalism Award has five categories:

  1. Data: Climate change reporting that relies on data analysis.
  2. Storytelling & solutions: Novel and solutions-focused storytelling methods for communicating climate change stories.
  3. Visualisations: Making climate stories comprehensible and engaging for the audience by utilising data and scientific information in a visual representation.
  4. Investigative reporting: Reporting that holds those in power accountable for their actions and their impact on climate change.
  5. Emerging talent: Innovative climate reporting produced by journalists and newsrooms with less than three years of experience.

Eligibility criteria

Journalists or teams are required to meet the following criteria:

  • The submitted piece must address one or more topics related to climate change and its effects;
  • The submitted piece must have been published in or on a European-based media outlet;
  • The submitted piece must have been published in the past 12 months (14 June 2022 - 13 June 2023).

How to apply

The Award is open to reporting in any language, but should be accompanied by a text-only translation in English.

You can submit on behalf of a collaborative  team of journalists.

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Frequently asked questions

Should my story be climate focused?

Yes, your story must address one or more topics related to climate change and its effects;

Does it matter which region my story was published?

Yours tory must have been published in a European-based (Council of Europe) publication.

When is the deadline?

The deadline for applications is 17 July 2023, 17CEST. 

When should my story have been published?

Your story must have been published in the past 12 months (14 June 2022 - 13 June 2023).

What type of stories are eligible?

Print, online, video, and multi-platform storytelling formats are eligible to win an award.

My story is published behind a paywall, what should I do?

That is no problem; if you are able to provide (temporary) login credentials to the jury, upload a PDF version or in case of multimedia stories a link to a version the jury can watch. These can be uploaded during the application process.

More questions? Get in touch


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