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Journalism Funders Forum


Journalism Funders Forum

The Journalism Funders Forum is an open community of European funders working together to ensure more effective and impactful funding of journalism in Europe. It was founded by the European Journalism Centre in 2017, was hosted in 2021-22 by GFMD, and is now hosted by Philea.

The Journalism Funders Forum serves the journalism funding field in Europe through three strands of work:

1. Improve learning and knowledge about journalism funding across Europe.

2. Increase the number and diversity of – and connections between – journalism funders in Europe

3. Help to build a more effective, transparent and equitable funding environment for journalism in Europe.

This is done through:

1. A regular newsletter, which explores key and emerging trends in journalism funding and public interest journalism in Europe.

2. Online and in-person events for funders, including expert briefings, deep thematic dives, and joint sessions with other funder networks.

3. Research and other resources that we create, commission or curate.

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