The Burundian media landscape is dominated by radio, even if in 2015 the most popular ones were destroyed.
Press freedom ranking
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Despite the conflict and violence the country has seen, radio stations have grown in number since the state collapsed
Press freedom ranking
7.9 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Federal Presidential Republic
Government type
Traditionally, the most trusted source of information has been radio broadcast, in recent years closely followed by television...
85.2 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Higher education in journalism is consolidated in Iraq, but it has remained largely disconnected from global developments since the 1970s...
Press freedom ranking
36.2 %
Internet penetration
The Georgian media landscape reflects the transitional nature of the Georgian democratic system
52.9 %
Internet penetration
Unitary semi-presidential republic
Government type
Gaddafi’s regime nationalised all publishing and press organisations, no private press was allowed to operate in Libya for over 25 years
Press freedom ranking
58.7 %
Internet penetration
In transition
Government type
Pakistan’s is a multi-linguistic media landscape with clear urban-rural disparities.
Press freedom ranking
22.2 %
Internet penetration
Federal Presidential Republic
Government type
In Finland, the whole commercial media industry employs about 22,000 people and its turnover is €4.6bn...
92.5 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Internet penetration
Semi-presidential Republic
Government type
Today, all media outlets are facing their most difficult times ever, but newspapers and magazines are suffering the most...
69.1 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Radio was established in the mid-1920s. In 1933, four private local radio companies were merged into a national, state-owned company...
99.6 %
Internet penetration
Constitutional monarchy
Government type
The media landscape in Sudan reflects an extremely restrictive environment coupled with a lack of institutional support.
Press freedom ranking
28.5 %
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Freedom of the press was observed in between 1918 and 1934 and since the Latvian independence drive (Atmoda) in the late 1980s...
85.6 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Print media with national and regional circulation have traditionally been those of superior influence and credibility in the country.
Press freedom ranking
63.2 %
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
The United States media system has entered a period of intense change: the number of channels, and thus of competitors, is multiplying
Internet penetration
Constitutional Federal Republic
Government type
Starting from 1990 the audiovisual system underwent a process of adaptation to new neoliberal regulations in telecommunications.
Press freedom ranking
32.5 %
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Television is a major agenda setter within the Italian public sphere. The audiences are higher than those in many other countries...
86.7 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Mobile telephones were introduced in 2002. Today, 19 million people are using mobile phones out of a population of approximately 32 million.
Press freedom ranking
15.7 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Presidential Islamic Republic
Government type
The Armenian print media are in a dire economic state. Newspaper printing is an exceedingly losing business
Internet penetration
Parliamentary democracy
Government type
In recent years, the Lebanese media landscape has been facing one of its deepest crisis since the formal end of the civil war...
Press freedom ranking
76.1 %
Internet penetration
The Dutch media are going digital at a rapid pace. This is shown by the growth of digital users, with more than 90% of the population...
94.8 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Constitutional monarchy
Government type
Sweden has traditionally been more of a newspaper than television country. Today, it is a very digital country...
92.9 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Constitutional monarchy
Government type
Azerbaijani media are influenced by the political processes in the country and separated in pro-government and pro-opposition media
Press freedom ranking
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Television is the most used and trusted media in the Philippines. Around 81 percent of the population watch television.
Press freedom ranking
Presidential Republic
Government type
The media landscape is characterized by two dominating groups: the public service broadcaster ORF and largest newspaper "Kronenzeitung"...
84.6 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Since the liberalisation of airwaves in 1992, the number of private radios increased exponentially, confirming radio as the most popular med
Press freedom ranking
63.4 %
Internet penetration
Semi-presidential Republic
Government type
In Myanmar, Facebook "is" the Internet. It enjoys supremacy over all other forms of social media
Press freedom ranking
33.4 %
Internet penetration
Parliamentary Republic
Government type
The number of daily copies printed is decreasing along with sales, which have dropped by more than half as of 2019.
Press freedom ranking
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
The media landscape painted in Spain in the early 1990s survives to a great extent today and, with it, its wide ideological range...
87.1 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Constitutional monarchy
Government type
Egypt features a media landscape which have witnessed many changes and challenges since the January 25 revolution in 2011.
Press freedom ranking
49.5 %
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Radio has remained very popular in the UK and audience numbers have not declined in the same way as other platforms.
94.8 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Government type
The journalism profession offers free access to all people including those who do not have a university education in journalism.
Press freedom ranking
11.7 %
Internet penetration
Semi-presidential Republic
Government type
TV has traditionally been one of the main telecommunication media and it is still the most used.
Press freedom ranking
53.1 %
Internet penetration
Federal presidential republic
Government type
Over the last 30 years, regional press monopolies have been established in almost all regions...
89.4 %
Internet penetration
The Ukrainian media market had to be developed from scratch since the country gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.
Press freedom ranking
93.0 %
Internet penetration
Semi-presidential Republic
Government type
Syria cannot be considered any longer a unitary context. What is true in one area of the country does not necessarily apply to the others...
Press freedom ranking
31.9 %
Internet penetration
Radio broadcasting in Russia is developing with a comparatively good business dynamic.
Press freedom ranking
76.4 %
Internet penetration
Semi-Presidential Republic
Government type
Once dominated by print, radio and television, the Nigerian media landscape is now experiencing a disruption by digital platforms
Press freedom ranking
50.2 %
Internet penetration
Federal Presidential Republic
Government type
Press, radio and TV markets are affected by a growing concentration in which main media outlets are held by fewer companies
86.8 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Semi-Presidential Republic
Government type
Two years of war have changed the Yemeni media landscape for worst in terms of publications, independence, freedom of the media...
Press freedom ranking
24.6 %
Internet penetration
The written press has endured a deep crisis throughout the last years, with loss of readers and advertising...
72.4 %
Internet penetration
Nepal’s newspapers have a history of over a hundred years but the first private commercial daily newspaper began publishing in 1993.
Press freedom ranking
54.7 %
Internet penetration
Federal Presidential Republic
Government type
Bangladesh is one of the countries where Internet is growing at a good pace.
Press freedom ranking
48.4 %
Internet penetration
Parliamentary Republic
Government type
Political parties exist in Iran But they do not play an effective role in the political arena, for this reason the media, particularly
Press freedom ranking
70.0 %
Internet penetration
Television is the most important medium in the country. It is the most widespread and the one that receives the most from advertisers.
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
The German-speaking media market is comprised of about 100 M people, characterised by a long and deeply-rooted tradition of the press...
89.6 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Print, radio and TV have not invested on acquiring an Internet presence and suffer as a result from a chronic lack of visibility.
Press freedom ranking
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
In the past decade, Mexico has become one of the riskiest and deadliest countries where to practice journalism, excluding those at war.
Press freedom ranking
65.3 %
Internet penetration
Federal Presidential Republic
Government type
Unlike other media, television has not lost the leadership in being one of the most influential channels to shape Guatemalans’ opinions.
Press freedom ranking
34.5 %
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Belgium is a country with a highly complex political structure and is divided into three different language communities...
87.9 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Constitutional monarchy
Government type
Hungarian viewers have a choice of over 130 nationwide free or subscription channels and a total of 390 local and regional channels...
80.5 %
Internet penetration
Radio is one of the most popular media in Indonesia and is broadcasted everywhere in the country
Press freedom ranking
53.7 %
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Radio is the most largely consumed and trusted media in South Sudan. In Juba city alone, 66 percent of the population have access to radio.
Press freedom ranking
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Presidential Republic
Government type
Television is by far the most popular type of media in Serbia.Today, there are more than 200 TV stations
67.1 %
Internet penetration
Parliamentary Republic
Government type
The Burundian media landscape is dominated by radio, even if in 2015 the most popular ones were destroyed.
Press freedom ranking
Internet penetration
Presidential Republic
Government type
Despite the conflict and violence the country has seen, radio stations have grown in number since the state collapsed
Press freedom ranking
7.9 %
Internet penetration
Most trusted medium
Federal Presidential Republic
Government type